I stick it to me until I bleed
to remind myself I am awake
in a place I find suspicious.
I am afraid to admit this at times
Because I might be crazy
Or they might paint me as crazy
Because I do not want to blow up the world
And tell people that God willed it.
I am supposed to wear my Lapel pin
Right now today but these people
With giant crosses have polluted it.
This isn’t a poem-it’s a song
in my head everyday of my dread
Wondering what is going on
Why am I here and how do I leave
All in one piece -but why should I leave?
They have perverted God and religion and the flag
By making it turn into something else
That is really un-American.
And so this is my American poem
Questioning why we sit here protesting their master plan
Made submissive by hate crime waving fans.
Awaiting their covert form of healthcare
Where we are anesthesized in government experiments.